Sponsoring NXUnite’s Email Campaigns offers your organization a direct link to our vibrant community of mission-driven professionals. This exclusive opportunity enables you to share educational content directly with a precisely targeted audience. By crafting informative content spanning 100-300 words, your organization can establish itself as an industry thought leader, delivering invaluable insights and expertise to our community. Sponsoring NXUnite’s Email Campaigns is a strategic maneuver for expanding your organization’s outreach, cultivating meaningful connections, and cementing your reputation as a trusted leader within the mission-driven sector.


Showcase your thought-leadership
Spotlight your brand
Share valuable links
$5,000 for 3 educational emails and 2 upcoming events emails
- $10,000 for 8 educational emails and 6 upcoming events emails
*note: Nexus Marketing clients and partner+ qualify for discounts see here for more info

The Process:
NXUnite will…
Send the educational emails to NXUnite’s full email list
- educational email: 100-300 words of educational, non-promotional content from the sponsor sent directly to the NXUnite community
Provide header and footer graphics for the emails
Format the emails
Feature sponsor in upcoming events emails
- upcoming events email: weekly email sent out to NXUnite community listing the upcoming panels, webinars, and demos
- sponsor will be thanked at the top of the email
- upcoming events email: weekly email sent out to NXUnite community listing the upcoming panels, webinars, and demos
Sponsor will…
Sponsor will provide the entirety of the content for each of the educational emails
- 100-300 words of educational, non-promotional content
- Each email includes no more than 2 links to sponsor-related websites

Engagement Info
28% - open-rate for educational emails
0.8% - click-through rate for educational emails
17,500+ - size of NXUnite email list
Looking for more info on the NXUnite list?
Check out our community overview page
Ready to talk sponsorship?

FAQs About NXUnite By Nexus Marketing Sponsorships

Can I customize the panel topics or sponsorship packages?
Panel sponsors are more than welcome to work with their NXUnite team counterparts to customize their panel experience. Panel customization is available for non-sponsors in certain situations as well, reach out to the NXUnite team to learn more about this offering.
Sponsorship packages are customizable. Let us know when you are ready to talk sponsorships and we can dive into what will be the best fit for your team!
Why is NXUnite now offering sponsorship packages?
We’re officially rolling out an array of sponsorship opportunities to help us continue to provide more value to our panelists, community, and enable us to reinvest back into NXUnite.
Will sponsorships change the NXUnite panel experience?
Adding sponsorships doesn’t change anything about the panel or panelists’ role in them. By adding them, we’re able to continue to reinvest back into NXUnite to improve the experience for panelists / the broader mission-driven community.
Why are there discounted rates on sponsorships and how do I know if I’m qualified?
NXUnite was launched by the Nexus Marketing team, in part, as a way to connect our friends in the industry with the mission-driven organizations that they serve. We were keenly aware that we had a trove of fantastic mission-driven businesses with incredible industry insight and that it was time to share our connections with the larger community. Nexus Marketing funds the NXUnite mission to serve as a community hub with support from the sponsorship program. Discounted prices are given to those who already help push the mission forward through paid partnerships with Nexus Marketing. To reflect their support of NXUnite we have provided discounted rates for our sponsorship packages to Nexus Clients and Nexus Partner+ Members.
Interested in qualifying for discounted rates through Nexus offerings? Let us know!
NXUnite by Nexus Marketing is here to make introductions that lead to lasting relationships.