Jill Krumholz

Jill brings to RealHR Solutions experience as a business owner, executive search consultant and corporate HR professional. Throughout her career, she has had the ability to build strong relationships, identify client needs and help companies find solutions. As a search professional she used these strengths to source and identify talent. Her prior HR experience includes retail and healthcare industry HR and operations. management positions. Jill holds a MS in Industrial Social Work from Fordham University and a B.A. from CUNY at City College. She is a member of The Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) nationally, in NYC and Westchester County, NY. She is an Associate Member of the Nonprofit Resource Hub, a member of Nonprofit NY and Nonprofit NJ.

Geng Wang

Geng Wang is the CEO and cofounder of Civic Champs, the most intuitive and impactful volunteer management platform for nonprofits and their champions. Prior to Civic Champs, Geng was the cofounder of two other startup companies, Rent Jungle (an apartment search engine) and Community Elf (a social media management agency) which were sold in 2014 and 2017 respectively. He also spent time advising Fortune 500 executives as a consulting at McKinsey & Company.

Erica Salm Rench

Erica Salm Rench, MBA is the COO at Rasa.io. After working in enrollment management where she focused on recruitment strategy and marketing, Erica managed a team of online marketers at the largest digital marketing company in the Gulf South. There, she supported the web development, SEO, online advertising, and content marketing teams in executing strategies which elevated organizations to stand out and be seen amongst the chaos of the online marketplace. Now, as the COO at rasa.io, she gets to blend her love of digital marketing technology and email in order to support the incredible community of rasa.io customers.

Michael Hoffman

Michael Hoffman is the co-founder and CEO of Gather Voices, a technology company that automates the creation, management and publishing of video content. He is also the founder of See3 Communications, a digital marketing agency in Chicago and founder of the DoGooder Video Awards which honors the best social cause video on YouTube each year. Hoffman teaches marketing at the University of Chicago and is an internationally sought-after speaker and trainer who is a trusted advisor to association leaders on engagement strategy.

Brianne Wheeler

Brianne is the Director of Marketing at PropFuel. She has spent most of her career helping large healthcare associations communicate effectively with members. She leads the marketing effort at PropFuel, educating associations on conversational engagement and directing all marketing efforts. When Brianne is not evangelizing PropFuel, she is here, there and everywhere with her 7-year-old girl/boy twins! She loves power yoga, running, red wine and all things Arizona State Sun Devils.

Mark Bergethon

As a founding Principal of Convergent Nonprofit Solutions, Mark focuses on empowering nonprofits to accomplish more for the communities and constituencies they serve by dramatically increasing their financial resources. He is recognized as one of the leading national experts in funding nonprofit organizations and community initiatives through fundraising campaigns. Mark has managed and consulted on fundraising campaigns for a broad array of nonprofits, however, the bulk of Mark’s career has been spent securing funding for chambers of commerce and economic development corporations.

Maya Tussing

Maya Tussing co-founded Fairlight Advisors to help nonprofit leaders fulfill their mission with first-class financial and investment solutions honed while working at the most respected institutions in the world. Fairlight provides nonprofits and mission-focused organizations financial planning and investment management services customized and aligned with their financial goals. Prior to Fairlight, she was the Head of BlackRock’s Institutional Index Allocation Group, where her team managed over $200B across all asset classes, investment styles, and vehicles. Over the last 20 years, she held senior risk management roles at firms such as BlackRock, BarclaysGlobal Investors, Visa, and GE Capital. She is a graduate of Pomona College and holds an MBA in international finance from the University of Washington.

Tony Martignetti

Tony Martignetti is the evangelist for Planned Giving. He’s been starting and growing Planned Giving programs since 1997. A former attorney, he launched Planned Giving Accelerator, a membership community to create 1,000+ new Planned Giving programs in the U.S. It’s at PlannedGivingAccelerator.com. He’s also the aptly-named host of Tony Martignetti Nonprofit Radio, the #1 podcast for nonprofits, with 13,000+ weekly listeners in small- and mid-size orgs. It’s Big Nonprofit Ideas for the Other 95%. It’s at tonymartignetti.com

Laurie Hochman

Laurie Hochman has a passion for helping groups exceed their fundraising goals. After using Auctria for many auction fundraisers, she joined the team to help others boost their auction fundraising for many wonderful causes. Auctria has been utilized in over 45,000 event fundraisers raising over $500M.

“The beauty in what is done with the money raised with Auctria is what motivates me every day to help auction teams succeed. Hope all your bids soar!”

Edgar Carrasco

Edgar Carrasco is the vice president of business development at Regpack, an online payment management platform. An outstanding professional with a passion for success, Edgar brings more than 20 years of experience in client service and banking to Regpack. He holds a BBA from Northwood University, and continues to draw on his talents for strategy and communication to mediate, analyze, and resolve complex business challenges. He also has grown the company’s payments volume from several thousand dollars per month to over $100 million annually.