Project Categories:

Short Description:
The intended beneficiaries of this project are children, youth, adults and Pregnant mothers, in most populated populated settlements and are rural areas where full knowledge about covid, safety measure, preventive measures such as vaccination are not yet fully understood.
the major reason for this project is to have as much as many people be vaccinated to the total of atleast 5000 at minimum.
this will be achieved through media sensitization through workshops, trainings, village to village , family to family campaigns and motivation for candidates of vaccination.

Project Details:
A solution will know they're the right ones to help with the project, if our description is somehow inline with their goals and objectives and or if their interest is in the fight against Covid 19. in the sub Saharan Africa. Or if its their desire to have as many people as possible be Covid Vaccinated.

Poster Information:
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Seeking education sponsorship for brilliant, talented but needy students in our school
Sponsors, Because most of the brilliant students in our school are poor Contact me through edemkpogoh943@gmail.com

Posted by Dacosta
Hope For The Future Educational Foundation

Posted by Laurie
Canine Humane Network