As the Gen Z population continues to mature, so does their influence in the world of philanthropy. It is essential to understand the younger generations’ motivations and how they prefer to interact with organizations. Join our nonprofit experts in this discussion and learn how you can effectively engage the next generation of donors in your mission and inspire them to become long-term supporters.

NXUnite invites you to
Gen Z and Generosity: Acquiring and Retaining Young Donors
This event has concluded.

What will be discussed?
- Understanding the behavior and motivation of younger donors
- Appropriate strategies to engage and retain Gen Z supporters
- Trends and opportunities to steward the next generation of donors
- And so much more!
About the Sponsor!
Double the Donation is the leading provider of corporate employee matching gift tools. Through the use of their matching gift software, nonprofits, schools, and universities significantly boost their matching gift and volunteer grant revenue. Double the Donation is known for having the world’s most comprehensive database of more than 20,000 companies and subsidiaries that offer matching gift programs.
Through the use of Double the Donation tools, organizations can identify more matching gift revenue opportunities, drive more matches to completion, and focus their time and energy on the highest-value match-eligible donations.
Visit their website to learn more!
Meet the panelists.

Mackenzie Burckbuchler
Partnership Success Specialist at Double the Donation

Alyssa Boger
SVP of Client Strategy at Pursuant
Alyssa Boger serves as the Senior Vice President of Client Strategy at Pursuant, a comprehensive nonprofit fundraising agency. Through her experience working with organizations of varying size and mission impact, she supports the creation of successful, comprehensive fundraising solutions across the donor pyramid. Alyssa’s client relationships are strengthened by her passion for data-informed strategies that inspire new and measured thinking. Alyssa’s expertise lies in omnichannel fundraising, data analysis and insights, comprehensive direct response strategy and execution, and program transitions to relationship fundraising.

Parker Golson
Account Manager at Pursuant
Parker is Senior Project Manager at Pursuant with a strong 6 years of agency experience under his belt. Since starting his career, Parker has run the gamut of the marketing game — from process optimization to crafting full-fledged strategies. With a deep exposure to cross-media marketing and a passion for powering client relations, he works to continuously sharpen agency-wide operations and shuttle forward constituent-first fundraising efforts.
Who is hosting?

Colleen Carroll

Team NXUnite
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FAQs About The NXUnite Events

How much do these nonprofit webinars and discussions cost to join?
They’re 100% free for you and your nonprofit to join! All we ask is that if you register to attend, you actually join since there are a limited number of seats available for each event.
Who are the panelists and presenters for these events?
We bring together industry experts who provide unique insights into a wide range of topics. For instance, you might see nonprofit consultants, mission-driven technology specialists, or nonprofit leaders. Any professionals we feature have a strong understanding of the sector, are excellent speakers, and convey unparalleled insight into the topics we ask them to cover. Whether you’re looking to learn more about board development, digital marketing, or any other mission-driven topic, these individuals are the best resources you’ll encounter!
How do I suggest a topic or presenter?
We love introductions and ideas! If you have a topic that you think the mission-driven sector could benefit from, email us at, and we’ll consider organizing an event on the topic. Or, if there’s a speaker that you’d love to hear from, let us know! Our goal is to produce the best content out there on the topics you want us to cover.