As summer approaches, it’s time to figure out the best way to raise funds that your community will surely love! Let’s hear the latest trends, best practices, and strategies for implementation from our fundraising experts. Now’s the perfect time to get inspiration to make your end-of-school-year fundraiser a success! Join us!

NXUnite invites you to
Countdown to Summer: End of the School Year Fundraising
This event has concluded.

What will be discussed?
- Fundraising trends for a great school fundraiser
- Creative approaches to fundraising you can implement right away
- Key tips to remember when planning your fundraising strategy
- And so much more!
Meet the panelists.

Laurie Hochman
Marketing Director at Auctria

Rebecca Fowler
SVP of Strategic Development at Shopraise
Who is hosting?

Colleen Carroll

Team NXUnite
Similar Nonprofit Webinars, Panels, and Discussions with Industry Experts
Tune in live or watch on demand. The experts from the NXUnite community are here to share their valuable insights. Plus, earn Cause Coins for attending live!

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An Educated Guess: Fundraising Strategies for Higher Ed Institutions

Funding the Classroom: Fundraising Tips and Tricks for the Modern K-12
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FAQs About The NXUnite Events

How much do these nonprofit webinars and discussions cost to join?
They’re 100% free for you and your nonprofit to join! All we ask is that if you register to attend, you actually join since there are a limited number of seats available for each event.
Who are the panelists and presenters for these events?
We bring together industry experts who provide unique insights into a wide range of topics. For instance, you might see nonprofit consultants, mission-driven technology specialists, or nonprofit leaders. Any professionals we feature have a strong understanding of the sector, are excellent speakers, and convey unparalleled insight into the topics we ask them to cover. Whether you’re looking to learn more about board development, digital marketing, or any other mission-driven topic, these individuals are the best resources you’ll encounter!
How do I suggest a topic or presenter?
We love introductions and ideas! If you have a topic that you think the mission-driven sector could benefit from, email us at, and we’ll consider organizing an event on the topic. Or, if there’s a speaker that you’d love to hear from, let us know! Our goal is to produce the best content out there on the topics you want us to cover.