Dr. Rob Harter

Rob is a nonprofit executive professional with over 29 years of experience in leading and building nonprofit organizations. He is a sought-after speaker and seminar facilitator, and he founded and hosts the “Nonprofit Leadership Podcast”. Rob is a member of and contributor for the Forbes Nonprofit Council. He was invited to be part of Harvard Business School’s “Young American Leaders Program” in 2021. Rob also serves on the Utah Advisory Committee for the US Global Leadership Coalition. He serves on the Park City Chamber of Commerce, has chaired the MLK Jr. Commission for Human Rights for the State of Utah and served as the Chair of the Utah Nonprofit Association’s Board. Rob was also recognized as a “Hometown Hero” by Salt Lake Magazine.

Since 2010, Rob has served as the Executive Director of CCPC, a humanitarian and community-focused nonprofit organization with a bold vision to serve as a leading networker of community services.