Joy Dinkelman

I am a cause-driven, detail-oriented person who is combining my skills in writing, research, critical thinking, and collaboration to develop grant funding strategies and write grants for social justice non-profits. I am passionate about helping organizations clearly and beautifully articulate their projects to get the grant funding they need to make more meaningful impacts. Learn more about my work, free resources, and services at For over 10 years, I have volunteered and worked with various under-served and vulnerable communities. However, my volunteer experience with Refugee4Refugees in Lesvos, Greece in 2020 illustrated to me the complexity of the refugee situation globally. This inspired me to complete my Master’s Degree in International Humanitarian Action. The amalgamation of my diverse experiences has increased my awareness of the dynamic and complicated issues facing migrants, refugees, people with differing abilities, and other vulnerable groups in the U.S. and in other parts of the world.